Today in Maputo City, the Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) held its first engagement meeting with the focal points of various institutions.
The aim is to bring a new approach, greater coordination and closer ties to the activities aimed at strengthening integrity, preventing and combating corruption among public administration institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations.
To this end, focal points from different institutions have been appointed to carry out activities to prevent and combat corruption and related crimes, in coordination with the GCCC.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, the Deputy Director of the GCCC, Eduardo Sumana, said that the appointment of focal points is a working mechanism that will contribute to achieving the government's objectives in the area of preventing and combating corruption and integrity in general, as well as materializing the Strategy for Preventing and Combating Corruption in Public Administration (EPCCAP) 2023-2032 and its Action Plan.
"It is within this framework that we are gathered here, in this engagement meeting which aims to get to know each other about who we are, enabling the establishment of a network of Focal Points for the Prevention of Corruption, as well as establishing the first ideas and lines of action in this new approach that we now intend to imprint," said Eduardo Sumana, adding that the meeting will leave more engaged in the task of preventing and combating corruption in society in general and in the institutions in which each focal point is inserted and together they will constitute an adequate platform for achieving positive results.
The meeting was attended by around 30 focal points from different institutions, including the Presidency of the Republic; the Prime Minister's Office; the Information Office; the ministries of Defense; Health; Public Works, Housing and Water Resources; Mineral Resources; the National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction; the Institute for the Management of State Holdings; the Mozambican Order of Accountants and Auditors; among others.
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