The population of the Chongoene district, in Gaza province, has withdrawn its blockades of public roads following a dialog with the government, which has promised to address their concerns in the short or medium term. The protests took place due to the lack of water, energy and other essential services for survival.
According to a Success TVOver the last week and a half, six towns in the district have been affected by the blockades, with the greatest impact on the Nhapfunhwene port terminal, Chongoene airport in Nhacutse and National Road number 102, which links Chongoene to Chibuto and Manjacaze.
Faced with popular pressure, the government opted for dialog rather than the use of force. The negotiations included the participation of various partners, including the Chinese-owned company that exploits the heavy sands in Chibuto and which, according to the demonstrators, was not fulfilling its social responsibilities.
After the talks, "the population showed satisfaction with the commitments made," according to the Chongoene district administrator, Artur Macamo.
With the end of the protests, life returned to normal. During the demonstrations, residents demanded greater speed in resolving their demands regarding the provision of basic services.
(Photo DR)
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