Galp maintains reservations about gas projects in Mozambique

The president of Galp, Andy Brown, expressed some reservations about the presence of his company at the start of gas exploration in the Rovuma basin, in Cabo Delgado province.

According to Brown, who was speaking this Thursday in Lisbon, the crucial thing at the moment is to eliminate the hotbeds of terrorist action in the area.

"I think that's the most important part: restoring security and getting back to work after that," he said, quoted by the dw portal.

Galp announced yesterday that it expects to build onshore plants in Mozambique by 2024.

Andy Brown recognizes that "the situation is serious" on the ground, however, praises the efforts of the Government of Mozambique with a view to creating security conditions to enable the exploitation of existing natural resources.

"I think there are good indicators, but I think it will take some time. We need to invest in the communities," he said.

According to the responsible, the Galp Foundation is providing support and help to the populations. "First, you have to build a stable and dynamic community, that is quite important, and only then should you start taking tens of thousands of people to build the factories," he stresses.

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