Ressano Garcia border registers peak return traffic after the festive season

Fronteira de Ressano Garcia regista pico do movimento de retorno após a quadra festiva

The Ressano Garcia border crossing, in Maputo province, has seen the peak of migratory movement since Thursday (02), following the festive season..

To respond to the intense traffic, the Quilómetro 4 service station in Ressano Garcia has been reactivated, where Mozambican and South African teams are stationed.

According to a Radio MozambiqueAmong the travelers are another 4,000 miners out of the 12,000 who were expected in Mozambique, 50% of whom returned to work just after the Christmas party.

The delegate of the Ministry of Labor in South Africa, Boaventura Manhique, explained that the sector has adopted strategies for specialized care for miners in order to facilitate their return.

"We have a miner's counter in Ressano Garcia, where they are treated differently from the rest of the public who use the border," said Boaventura Manhique.

In the meantime, the source appealed to South African mine workers who have not yet returned to adopt defensive driving in order to avoid road accidents.


(Photo DR)

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