All the indications are that the paving work on Avenida Dom Alexandre, which connects the Mahotas district in Maputo city to the town of Marracuene in Maputo province, over a length of around 10 kilometers, may finally get underway, since the process of hiring the company that will supervise the work is in its final stages.
Data from the entities managing the process, namely the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD), which is the owner of the work, and the African Development Bank (AfDB), the financing entity, indicate that by the middle of this month the contract will be signed with one of the six companies chosen.
Sources from the institutions confirm that the evaluation report of the technical proposals is already in the hands of the ADB, in order to obtain a no-objection, after which the report will be returned to the INGD, which will open the financial proposals.
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