Lack of water worries the Nampula government

Governor of Nampula, Manuel Rodrigues says he is not dissatisfied with the water shortage problems the province has been facing for more than a year and a half.

Water is not reaching the taps of Nampula city residents with regularity, and the population continues to face a serious crisis in the supply of drinking water.

Manuel Rodrigues, said this week, that as long as there is no water, the population will not be provided with a good service.

Marcia and Dulce, residents of the Muahivir neighborhood, say they haven't seen water in their taps for three months, but they continue to pay their bills each month.

Before the crisis, the water supply company FIPAG even imposed restrictions while saying it was seeking solutions to the problem by opening 10 boreholes in the Namiteca neighborhood.

The start-up of the boreholes had been announced for September and was postponed to November, but this has not happened, which has led to complaints from those who do not see water reaching their neighborhood.

The governor of Nampula visited the infrastructure that he believes could alleviate the water crisis, but did not like the delay in the works.

"I won't say that I'm happy, I'll be happy on Saturday, when the water is there" said Manuel Rodrigues, who appealed for work so that the water can reach the population's taps.

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