"Fake Stories in History": AI could erase Mozambique's history, researcher warns

“Fake Stories in History”: IA pode passar uma borracha na história de Moçambique, alerta pesquisador

Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an advent of technology for the development of humanity and the world, it brings with it the power to distort facts, generating "Fake Stories in History".

From this perspective, the computer engineering researcher at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) warns that AI can serve misleading purposes and distort national history.

"AI can be used for misleading purposes. These tools can generate fallacious images and documents about Mozambique's history and easily spread them to the public. Those who are unaware of the facts, or the younger generations, can take them as true, and consequently fall for the misinformation," he said, quoted by the Newson the sidelines of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Historical Archives of Mozambique (AHM).

This alert comes at a time when the EMU is preparing to digitize the AHM's historical collection, which stretches for some 30 kilometers. These are physical materials preserved since the 18th century on the biography of the country and the African continent.

From the perspective of UEM's rector Manuel Guilherme Júnior, the AHM's collection should be immortalized for carrying narratives of societies' memories.

"Our initial aim, when we took over this collection, was to gather together the scattered archives and organize the bibliographic collection on Mozambique. Today, our mission is to immortalize these national memories, guarantee their preservation and enhance the historical and cultural documentary heritage of the Mozambican nation through new technologies," he said.

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