Executive approves largest million-dollar financial deals seven years later

The Council of Ministers approved last Tuesday (14) the largest financial agreements valued at more than $1 billion.

In fact, most of the contracts were signed last year, being for obtaining credit and others are from donations from various international banking institutions, including the World Bank.

Among the contracts, whose total is estimated at $1.1 billion, are the following:

The resolution ratifying the Donation Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Mozambique and the International Development Association (IDA), part of the World Bank Group, in December 2021 in Maputo, in the amount of 300 million dollars.

Three separate Resolutions ratifying the same number of Donor Financing Agreements, signed between the IDA Government in December 2021 in Maputo, in the amount of USD 300 million

The $126.5 million Grant Funding Agreement between the Government and the IDA was signed in Maputo in January 2022.

The resolution ratifying the Financing Agreement concluded between the Government and the IDA in December 2021 in the amount of $150 million.

In other agreements, the Government will receive $80 million from IDA, for the financing of the Public Resource Management for Service Delivery Project; $50 million from the same institution for the Urban Sanitation Project.

An agreement with the African Development Bank for $36.5 million.

The Resolution ratifying the Agreement on the Terms and Conditions of the Guarantee, signed in December 2021, between the Government and Banco Comercial e de Investimentos for the concession of the credit facility to the public company Petróleos de Moçambique, in the amount of 31 million dollars. Read more

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