Study reveals feasibility of producing biofuels in Mozambique

Estudo revela viabilidade para produção de biocombustíveis em Moçambique

Mozambique has the right conditions to make biofuel production viable for domestic consumption, thereby reducing imports of fossil fuels, as suggested by a study commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)..

In a NewsJoão Macaringue, coordinator of the Economic Reforms Office at the MEF, explained that the research included identifying products with potential for biofuel production, characterizing suitable agro-ecological zones, the economic viability of each product and determining the complete chain and its logistics.

"One of the main advantages is environmental sustainability and the potential to totally or partially replace fossil fuels," the source points out.

According to João Macaringue, the study will be validated and shared with the private sector and all those involved in the fuel purchase, storage and distribution chain, harmonized and submitted to the government for appraisal and approval of the action plan.

The consultants found that there are crops produced in Mozambique that can be used as raw materials for biofuel production, such as cassava, cashew, mapira, sweet potato, sugar cane and millet, specifically for bioethanol; and cotton, coconut, moringa, palm and castor oil, for biodiesel.

Recently, the government expressed its intention to use Brazil's experience and knowledge of the entire biodiesel production chain over the next two years in order to stimulate and encourage the production and use of biofuel in the domestic market. To this end, the Office for the Coordination of Economic Reforms signed a memorandum of understanding with the Brazilian Biodiesel and Biokerosene Union (UBRABIO) and CTJ Consultoria Limitada.


(Photo DR)

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