Amid bullets and tear gas, Kenyans demand the resignation of the President of the Republic

Entre balas e gás lacrimogénio, quenianos exigem da demissão do Presidente da República

The Kenyan citizens who rioted on the streets of Kenya against the proposed tax increase have resumed their demonstrations in their hundreds, this time to demand the resignation of the President of the Republic, William Ruto.

Kenyans have been demonstrating for more than a week and have managed to get Ruto to back down from his decision to approve the bill that would raise the country's cost of living, and to promise to reduce state spending.

Protests: William Ruto backs out of signing tax increase bill

Nevertheless, Kenyans seem convinced that the right thing to do to stabilize the situation in the country is for Ruto to resign.

"He has lost our trust. We want him to resign and the MPs who supported the bill to go home," said one protester.

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