Elvino Dias/ Paulo Guambe: EU condemns and links double murder to political motivations

Elvino Dias/ Paulo Guambe: UE condena e associa duplo assassinato a motivações políticas

The European Union (EU) has condemned the murder of Elvino Dias, legal advisor to presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, and opposition politician Paulo Guambe, pointing out that "in a democracy, there is no room for politically motivated murders".

In a statement published this afternoon on the EU website, the body called for an immediate, thorough and transparent investigation to bring those responsible for this outrageous crime to justice, clarifying the circumstances in which it occurred.

In the same note, the EU said it was waiting for the Mozambican government's reactions to the case, "expressing its condolences to the families and friends".

"These events follow worrying reports of the violent dispersal of supporters after last week's elections in Mozambique. The European Union calls for maximum restraint by all and respect for fundamental freedoms and political rights. Furthermore, it is crucial that robust protection measures are in place for all candidates in this post-election period," reads the publication.

The body went on to say that its Electoral Observation Mission will continue to be in the country to assess the ongoing electoral process. "We hope that the electoral management bodies will conduct the whole process with due diligence and transparency, respecting the will expressed by the Mozambican people," he added.

Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe were shot dead at dawn on Saturday (19) by unknown individuals on Avenida Joaquim Chissano, in the Coop district of Maputo, just over 100 meters from where the two had been socializing with friends hours earlier in a small market in the Malhangalene district, known as Pulmão.


(Photo DR)

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