Elon Musk plans to donate $6 billion to end world hunger

World hunger has accompanied many generations, and the fortune of millionaires and of some organizations and companies is often pointed to as the solution. Although the title oscillates, Elon Musk has been mentioned as the richest man on the planet, and recently the media reported that 2% of his wealth could solve the problem.

Confronted with this, according to the "Pplware" portal, Musk said he will donate $6 billion, if the United Nations (UN) can prove the allegations true.

Recently, David Beasley, head of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP), called on billionaires to help the 43 countries with economic woes left behind by COVID-19 and in conflict due to climate change.

Along with Tesla's rising share price, Elon Musk's growing personal fortune has also been the subject of media attention. So the CEO of the electric car manufacturer, as well as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, have been singled out as the possible solution to world hunger. Although he has kept quiet until now, Elon Musk eventually broke his silence on Twitter.

Eli David, a researcher who has tweeted about COVID-19 vaccines and mask use, as well as the climate summit, shared a CNN report that suggested that 2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve the problem of world hunger.

In response, Musk said that if WFP could describe exactly how $6 billion would solve world hunger, as well as how the amount would be applied in practice, he would donate it.

After that, David Beasley came out and claimed that the money the WFP intends to raise would not solve world hunger. It would, in turn, prevent political instability and mass migration. That way, as a result, 42 million people would be saved from starvation.

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