General elections: Ossufo Momade is once again absent from the start of the electoral campaign

Eleições gerais: Ossufo Momade volta a não se fazer presente no arranque da campanha eleitoral

The electoral campaign for the general elections on October 9 kicks off today, Saturday (24), across the country, with four candidates for the Presidency of the Republic and 37 political forces competing in the legislative and provincial elections.

For 45 days, all the political forces contesting the legislative and provincial elections, as well as the presidential candidates, will be competing for voters' votes.

Meanwhile, as was the case in the 2019 election campaign, the presidential candidate of Renamo, the main opposition party in Mozambique, Ossufo Momade, will not be present at the opening of the campaign today because he is out of the country. He will be represented by the party's secretary-general, Clementina Bomba.

A note from the party says that it will start its electoral campaign in Quelimane, the provincial capital of Zambézia, central Mozambique.

Frelimo's presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo, has already landed at Beira International Airport in Sofala for the official opening of the election campaign.

The Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), which has also chosen the city of Beira for the start of its campaign, is organizing a march this afternoon to appeal for votes for the party and its presidential candidate in the legislative, presidential and provincial assembly elections scheduled for October 9.

The MDM march, which will be led by its president, Lutero Simango, will begin with a caravan from the Sofala provincial political delegation to Alto da Manga and will culminate at the level crossing terminal.

For his part, the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Venâncio Mondlane, has decided to kick off today with activities to promote his election manifesto in the municipality of Matola, Maputo province, on an itinerary that includes a march from the Matola Gare neighborhood, through Nkobe to Malhampsene, where he will lead a rally.

According to the National Electoral Commission (CNE), more than 17,163,686 voters are registered to vote in the October 9 general elections.


(Photo DR)

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