General elections: Mozambique receives SADC election observer mission

Eleições gerais: Moçambique recebe missão de observadores eleitorais da SADC

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Verónica Macamo, received the Electoral Observation Mission of the Southern African Development Community (SEOM) in Maputo on Thursday (03)..

The team, made up of 52 observers, is led by Amani Karume, who will monitor the general elections on October 9.

"We are in Mozambique to observe the electoral process on behalf of SADC. It was a courtesy visit, but we also talked about the electoral process underway," said Amani Karume after the meeting ended.

On the occasion, Verónica Macamo said that Mozambique would do everything it could to ensure that the mission would work.

"We are convinced that your mission will achieve its objectives. I would like to reiterate the Mozambican government's support for your work to go as smoothly as possible," she said.

A publication by AIM says that the SADC mission will also meet with the National Electoral Commission (CNE).


(Photo DR)

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