General Elections: Manuel Bissopo says Renamo has lost the trust of the people

Eleições Gerais: Manuel Bissopo diz que a Renamo perdeu a confiança do povo

The former Secretary General of the Renamo party, Manuel Bissopo, considers that his political formation has already lost the trust of the people, classifying its performance in the General Elections as "shameful".

In a publication by DWBissopo said that the election results, which so far show a "veriginous fall" of the party in the political sphere, reflect a "clear punishment of Ossufo Momade", who failed to perceive the signs of dissatisfaction that were already evident in public opinion.

"Renamo no longer has the confidence of the majority. This is something I deeply regret," said the former Renamo secretary-general, stressing that: "the situation is terrible".

According to Bissopo, there is no way to minimize or try to sugarcoat the reality: "the members and the population, in general, are not satisfied with the party's performance."

"There has been no shortage of warnings over these five years, but unfortunately Renamo's management has not lived up to the expectations of the majority of its supporters. Throughout this period, we have heard constant criticism, and the party has been unable to react. The result is what we see now: a painful and disappointing situation," he adds.

For the former Renamo number two, over the last five years his party has failed to meet the expectations of the masses. For this reason, "it is now reaping the consequences".

"Unfortunately, I have to admit that. I'm no longer old enough to hide the truth. Renamo was badly managed. There was no feeling that it was necessary to cling to management in order to come to power," he said.

The source goes on to warn that "Renamo is facing enormous difficulties in overcoming this crisis, and if the party doesn't offer an adequate response, it will be even more difficult".

And for the next elections, Bissopo argues that it is essential for Renamo to present itself with a "new look" that inspires confidence in millions of Mozambicans once again.

"The party has a big task in the coming months. There is an urgent need to give a positive response, demonstrating that Renamo can still deserve the trust of the people, but this will require profound changes," he said.


(Photo DR)

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