General Elections 2024: Renamo's freefall is Ossufo Momade's fault - says Alfredo Magumisse

Eleições Gerais 2024: Queda-livre da Renamo é culpa de Ossufo Momade – diz Alfredo Magumisse

Senior Renamo member Alfredo Magumisse points the finger at the party's president, Ossufo Momade, and the entire administration for the poor results in the 2024 general elections.

According to Magumisse, the party leader, the political commission and the congress approved an electoral manifesto that was marginal to the reality of Mozambicans. This led to the political formation suffering its worst defeat ever, and distanced it from its goal of achieving power.

"The party's central bodies dictated this manifesto that led us to this vote, the lowest ever," he noted.

In his opinion, Ossufo Momade should take the blame. But he also believes that it is time to think about whether or not to keep the party's current leader at the top of the hierarchy.

"He as party president should be the first person to take this on, after seeing his votes, his percentage and that of the party at national level, to make a deep reflection on whether he has led the party as it should be, towards the goals of achieving power," he said.

He said that from a personal point of view, in the general elections of October 9, the performance of Ossufo Momade and the Renamo party "was poor".

He said, however, that it is the party's conviction that the country will only apply effective democracy when Renamo is in power.

"Unfortunately, these elections are pushing Renamo further and further away from the center of power," he said, quoted by Success TVon the sidelines of the celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of André Matade Matsangaísse's death.

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