General Elections 2024: Voters in Zambezia and Germany go to the polls tomorrow

Eleições Gerais 2024: Eleitores na Zambézia e Alemanha vão votar amanhã

The spokesman for the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Paulo Cuinica, announced today in Maputo that the constituencies of Maganja da Costa and Gilé, in Zambézia, and Berlin, in Germany, will be able to exercise their voting rights tomorrow, Saturday.

In Zambézia province, voting will take place in 28 polling stations and will involve more than 200 polling station staff. Around 12,503 voters will be voting there.

This extension of the election deadline is due to the fact that polling station staff in Zambezia are demanding their food allowances.

In addition, five polling stations went missing, but two have since been recovered in the district of Derre. As a result, 23 polling stations were not opened in Zambezia, four in Maganja da Costa and 19 in Gilé district.

And in Germany, there was a delay in the arrival of voting material, which was due to arrive on the 6th. In fact, Germany considered the material to be dangerous cargo, particularly the indelible ink. As a result, it had to be transported overland. It only arrived on the 10th, yesterday. Around 670 voters will be voting there.

"So tomorrow the electoral voting process will be concluded, in Zambézia from 7 am to 6 pm. In Germany, the polls will open at 9am and close at 9pm," he said.

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