The local council of the city of Nampula, the largest urban center in northern Mozambique, is threatening to sanction local residents who do not fulfill their obligations to contribute to the city's coffers through taxes.
The councillor for Finance, Planning and Patrimony in Nampula Municipality, Pereira Napauanha, called the press last weekend to inform them that it is compulsory to pay the Municipal Personal Tax (IPA), Municipal Property Tax (IPRA) and Municipal Vehicle Tax (IVA), the latter also known as manifesto.
These taxes are due to be paid in the first 55 days of the year, so much so that 10,000 vehicles are expected to be registered and 100,000 properties are expected to be registered, both residential and commercial.
To reach this figure, according to Napuanha, more than 50 young inspectors have been trained in the last week. He therefore asks the people of Nampula to collaborate with the registration teams.
"We intend to raise around 200 million meticais for IPRA," notes the source quoted by the portal IkweliHe said that "there will be sanctions for those who refuse, because all taxes are compulsory and residents must pay them".
The source also said that "IPRA payments can be made twice, but we still accept that, in the event of difficulties, residents can apply to the mayor to request payment in installments. We want to set up six collection points, including the municipal BAÚ [One-Stop Shop], and see if we can allow residents to pay their taxes at these points."
(Photo DR)
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