Six demonstrators arrested in Maputo and Gaza for vandalization

Detidos seis manifestantes em Maputo e Gaza por vandalização

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) in Maputo city and the provinces of Maputo and Gaza arrested six demonstrators this morning for burning tires on public roads and disturbing order and security.

According to the PRM in the country's capital, three of the citizens were arrested in Maputo city, one in Maputo province and two in Gaza.

According to the spokesman for the general command of the PRM, Orlando Mudumane, the legal procedures for holding those responsible are already underway.

"And the respective records have already been drawn up and will be sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office for legal proceedings," he said, quoted by the Radio Mozambique.

He said that the day began with little movement of people and goods throughout the country, with pockets of unrest, but the situation is calm.

"So far, the country is calm and under control. The PRM 3 and the other defense and security forces are working together to ensure that there are no widespread acts of violence and public disorder in our country," he said.

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