MEP returns double salary, while others receive two salaries

Deputada da AR devolve salário duplicado, enquanto outros recebem de dois salários

There are civil servants and MPs in the Assembly of the Republic (AR), elected for the current legislature, receiving up to two salaries, including Frelimo MPs.

According to the weekly EvidenceIn the AR alone, there are more than five deputies who receive salaries from their former functions as representatives of the people. But the number of beneficiaries is suspected, based on a possible scheme involving e-SISTTAFE and the Ministry of Finance. A deputy's salary is around 130,000 meticais and with perks it is around 270,000 meticais. This is double the salary of the previous position.

In an unusual act, two MPs have shown integrity and reported the doubling of salaries, and one has even proved it to the public. weekly their return. Other MPs identified claimed to be unaware of the case, and some preferred not to prove their "integrity" so as not to expose superiors involved "in the schemes".

MP Nilza Dazal, who used to be an advisor to the HR, is said to have returned her salary from her previous position at the first opportunity - a week later - when she saw her salary doubled.

According to EvidenceWhen asked why she complied with the Public Probity Law, she evoked questions of principle that would allow her to work with a clear conscience.

The newspaper notes that Dazal is an auditor by training and is well aware of the implications of any discovery that she is receiving two salaries from the state.

The source says that newcomer Egídio Vaz, Non-Executive Director of ENH-Kogas, is aware of the risks he runs by receiving two salaries. The deputy has already informed ENH to investigate the incompatibility of functions.

Gil Aníbal, another newcomer to the RA, still receives his salary from his job at the National Petroleum Institute, reports the weekly. He didn't confirm his salary situation, suggesting the possibility of popular speculation. At another time, he said that his bank account was in "trouble".

The majority of MPs who come to the RA from public companies receive more than one salary, notes the source.

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