Daniel Chapo proposes self-employment as a solution to youth unemployment

Daniel Chapo propõe auto-emprego como solução para o desemprego na juventude

Frelimo's presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo, on Saturday (21) in Cuamba, Niassa province, northern Mozambique, presented self-employment as a solution to the chronic problem of youth unemployment locally and beyond.

In light of this, Chapo promised structural employment and technical vocational training programs for the youth of Cuamba and the entire province of Niassa.

In a publication by AIMThe Frelimo candidate said that the city of Cuamba, with a young population that faces constraints linked to unemployment, will benefit from comprehensive employment programs.

"This approach, in the area of youth, will be materialized, in part, through the promotion of youth associations, as an appropriate model to ensure the participation of young people in development and decision-making processes," Chapo explained.

Later on, the Frelimo presidential candidate pledged to boost the agricultural sector by attracting investment to boost production and productivity and in a chain that justifies the establishment of industries.

"We want to boost agricultural activity to boost production and, as a result, attract industry here. This will create more jobs for our young people," said Chapo.


(Photo DR)

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