The Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) says that it has not yet received any notification about the seizure of its headquarters building, due to the debt of around 12 million meticais owed to Construtora Mondego (CMondego).
In a note received by our newsroom on Thursday, the union says it learned about the seizure of the building and its bank accounts at financial institutions through a media outlet.
"...if it is true, it will certainly be notified by the competent body, namely the respective Court, and the normal procedures will follow", it reads.
This Friday, the association issued another statement to the press, in which it acknowledged that CMondego had asked the court to pay 25 million meticais.
And, without clarifying, he mentions that, in due time, he filed an appeal to the Supreme Court listing the facts of the agreement that later became a Construction Contract. Even so, "the appeal was accepted with a merely devolutive effect, allowing the Plaintiff to begin the Execution of the favorable sentence he obtained."
"The CTA has not yet been formally notified of the Judicial Order of Attachment, since, by law, this is first ordered and then communicated to the Executed Party to present the defense mechanisms that are up to him or to make the payment," it reads.
The CTA regrets the fact that only CMondego has access to the Judicial Order of Attachment, "as it creates an atmosphere of mistrust towards our judicial system".
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