CTA and CCM call for abductions and kidnappings to be clarified

CTA e CCM apelam o esclarecimento de raptos e sequestros

The Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) and the Mozambican Chamber of Commerce (CMM) are calling on the government to make greater efforts to shed light on kidnapping crimes in the country.

PRM confirms kidnapping of businessman Muhammad Mayet in Maputo city

"There is a strategy being drafted for this purpose, but of course we understand that the way the government works is not the way we want it to be. We would have liked to have had this matter resolved a long time ago, but it hasn't been. We're sorry that this is continuing and we're asking the government to do something to restore confidence to businesspeople in terms of these kidnappings," said Adelino Buque, advisor to the CTA's Board of Directors.

For its part, the CMM points to the flight and removal of investors and their projects from the national business scene due to kidnappings.

In a statement, it said that the kidnapping undermines and jeopardizes the efforts undertaken at various levels to stimulate the country's socio-economic development.

Kidnappings have already led to the flight of businesspeople and a slowdown in investment in Mozambique

In addition, the CCM estimates that the phenomenon of kidnappings and abductions can contribute to widening the pool of unemployed people, as well as increasing the rate of criminal factors related to kidnappings and abductions. (Source: STV. Photo: DR)

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