Criminalist speaks of the possibility of images in the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

Criminalista fala na possibilidade de haver imagens no âmbito do assassinato de Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

Criminal lawyer Paulo de Sousa believes that there are surveillance cameras that may have captured the image of "strange" vehicles following Elvino Dias' car, in which Paulo Guambe and another citizen were also following.

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) said that the surveillance cameras around the place where Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe were murdered had not captured any images.

Quoted by The CountryThis suggests that the authorities have chosen to position themselves in this way so as not to obstruct the course of the investigation and compromise the evidence of the crime.

"SERNIC is not obliged to say that it has the images or has obtained them from these private entities.... a kind of secrecy so as not to compromise the diligence or the production of evidence," he said.

According to portalAccording to the article in the magazine, which sought to reconstruct the moments before the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, there are no video surveillance cameras in the vicinity of the 4 de Outubro (Pulmão) market, where they were socializing.

Meanwhile, he says that "there are more than seven video surveillance cameras, including those of the Russian embassy in Mozambique and the Ministry of the Interior, which were set up in 2016 with the aim of clarifying some crimes". There is also a security camera from a financial institution at the scene of the crime.

The criminalist said that, in terms of legislation, there is an obligation for entities that own video surveillance cameras to collaborate.

"This means that if the cameras were working, there is a whole need for these entities to collaborate with the investigation, providing the images for better procedural instruction," he said.

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