The food security situation and agro-processing in Niassa could be compromised due to the smuggling of several tons of food products to Malawi.
The quantities already smuggled are unknown, but corn, soya and tobacco produced in the districts of Cuamba and Mecanhelas are on the list.
Manuel Delgado, the director of Sociedade Algodoeira do Niassa, which owns the soybean oil production plant in Cuamba, confirms that the plant is experiencing some stoppages due to a lack of raw materials as a result of smuggling.
Cited by Radio Mozambique He even said that the province could be forced to import lower quality oil, and that workers in the processing chain could be forced out of their jobs.
The Director of the District Services for Economic Activities in Mecanhelas, Dário António, said that a multi-sectoral team is working to discourage this practice.
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