School principal sentenced for assaulting teacher

Condenado director de escola por agressão a professora

This Wednesday, the Beira City Judicial Court (TJCB) sentenced the principal of Vila Massane's Old Broadcasting Primary School, Amade Abudo, to one year in prison, converted into a fine.

He will also have to pay the victim 35,000 meticais in compensation and will be banned from holding management positions in the civil service for two years.

Abudo was convicted after it was proven in court that he had assaulted his colleague, teacher Guida Paulo. The insults, confirmed by forensic experts, took place in October last year in the principal's office because the victim had attended a party for Teachers' Day organized by the Beira municipality. But also, according to Notícias, because she had questioned the reasons for the removal of her name as the mentor of a Community Development Fund project, of which the school is a beneficiary.

She contracted neck injuries that suggest attempted hanging. She spent seven days recovering from the injury, and about one day until her wounds healed.

The victim's defense said that the sentence was exemplary and serves as an example for citizens who use their hierarchical positions to behave in a way that is good for them.

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