How to combat vision loss caused by device screens

Como combater a perda de visão causada por ecrãs de dispositivos

Nowadays we use several devices at the same time - and for longer. Here are some tips to protect your eyesight.

Vision difficulties are increasingly accentuated by the use of mobile devices, with the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating that 2.2 billion people worldwide have problems seeing far or near.

In a world where living without a cell phone seems increasingly impossible, there are ways to use smartphones in a more balanced way for your health.

The publication The Wired spoke to Apple and Google to find out what could help in the fight against vision loss. As well as being recommended applications and activation of features that can help you identify objects or take better selfies, here are some tips that you can start practicing right away.

Here are the recommendations:

To begin with, you should apply the 'rule of 20', which states that if you look at a device throughout the day - not only in the case of cell phones, but also computers - you should, every 20 minutes, look at an object six meters away for 20 seconds. The distance should be six meters, which is 20 'feet' in the North American measurement system.

Darker, 'healthier'

Using night mode or 'dark mode' in darker environments can also be good for your eyesight, as the contrast between the environment and the brightness emanating from it is lower this way.

Size is also important

Not only is brightness important, but you should also pay attention to the size of the icons and letters. In your phone's settings you can choose not only the font of the text, so that it is clearer, but also the size - which can make reading less of an effort.

Reading mode

Another idea put forward by the publication is the fact that there is a reading mode, which automatically makes the screen less bright.

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