Commander asks for "calm" from policemen waiting for the TSU

Comandante pede “calma” a polícias que esperam pelo TSU

The police commander-general said a few days ago that the application of the new Single Wage Scale (TSU) to the corporation still depends on the correction of "some vices", and asks for "calm" from the agents.

"Colleagues, be calm. It was found the existence of some vices in the police table," which will condition the payment of salaries through the TSU, said Bernardino Rafael, during a stop in the provincial command of Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, quoted by Radio Mozambique.

The Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, promulgated on the 10th the law that introduces a new salary scale for the Public Administration, after it was approved by the Mozambican Parliament.

The TSU raises the minimum wage and is classified as "essential" for staff retention and pay justice in the state.

In the case of the police, according to Bernardino Rafael, the problems have already been presented to the President of the Republic and now we can only "wait, with all due respect, for an answer", so that the table can be applied.

"The message has reached him and we will wait," he stressed, urging police officers to keep working and not to get carried away by "emotions of some people of bad faith."

The new salary matrix in the state has 21 levels, between 8,756 and 165,758 meticais (between 134 and 2,580 euros), instead of 103 steps, as was the case previously. (Lusa)

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