Chapo sets seven-day deadline to present road accident action plan

Chapo determina prazo de sete dias para apresentação de plano de acção contra acidentes rodoviários

The Transport and Logistics sector was challenged today to present, within seven days, an Action Plan for reducing road accidents in the country.

The challenge was launched by the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, and the plan should be presented at the next session of the Council of Ministers, he said.

"We wanted to instruct the Transport and Logistics sector immediately to draw up an Action Plan to present to us at the next session of the Council of Ministers, in a week's time, so that we can reflect on it," he said.

Chapo was speaking in the city of Lichinga, at the opening of the 11th session of the Executive, where he once again lamented the deaths that occurred yesterday in the district of Gondola, Manica province.

"We would like to express our deepest condolences to the bereaved families... and this morning, through the media, we learned that the number has risen to 22 people," he lamented.

The PR clarified that the drafting of the action plan to stop road accidents, which tend to increase in the country, must involve all sectors linked to road inspection.

On the other hand, Chapo called on motorists to drive more cautiously to avoid tragedies.

"We appeal to motorists, from Rovuma to Maputo, to drive with caution on our roads, because unfortunately this morning we saw that near the site," he said.

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