Around three thousand passports "stuck" at SENAMI

Cerca de três mil passaportes “encravados” no SENAMI

The spokeswoman for the National Migration Service (SENAMI) said that there are around 3,000 passports issued by the Maputo City Provincial Directorate, whose owners are not claiming them.

"At the moment, we have a lot of passports waiting to be picked up by their applicants. Right now, we have an average of around three thousand passports waiting [for their owners]," said Cláudia dos Santos, in an interview with Success TV.

Despite being an atypical day due to signs of demonstrations, she noted that the migration process was running normally and estimated that the usual daily passport production target would be reached, not least because the mobile brigades issuing migration documents were in full operation.

"The movement is normal. Nothing has changed. We're open. Applicants are using our services. We also have brigades reinforcing our services. The Provincial Directorate of Migration in Maputo City issues an average of 400 passports a day," he said. By this morning, more than 200 passports had already been printed.

Since yesterday, two mobile brigades have been deployed to assist passport applicants who have not made an appointment and are unable to go to the Provincial Directorate of Migration in Maputo city. One brigade is at the headquarters of the Kamavota Municipal district and the other at the Higher Institute of Transport and Communications, ISUTC, in the Kampfumu Municipal district.

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