Center: Rains isolate Tambara district from the rest of Manica province

Centro: Chuvas isolam distrito de Tambara do resto da província de Manica

The district of Tambara, in the province of Manica, has been isolated for three days, due to the cutting of Regional Road Number 529 (N 529), as a result of the heavy rains that have been falling and which have damaged the bridge that gives access to the region and to neighboring Guro.

This is the bridge over the Nhamacombe River, whose platform was destroyed by the fury of the waters, preventing the movement of people and goods, especially trucks supplying food to the population and local economic agents.

The area where traffic was interrupted is seven kilometers from the village of Calingamussi, in the district of Guro, which is why the two administrations are working to restore the road as soon as possible.

According to the administrator of Guro, Angelina Nguiraze, quoted by the NewsThe work to restore the infrastructure is underway. "The rain removed some of the sand from the infrastructure, leaving the base vulnerable in the early hours of Sunday morning. Teams are working to restore accessibility," he said.

The situation has become more alarming according to the administrator of Tambara, Mário Pita Doa, who pointed out that the lack of direct access is generating severe shortages of food, especially cereals.

"The trucks that transport food to the district are prevented from entering, which is causing a serious food crisis and forcing most of the population to eat berries, pumpkin and maçaroca," he lamented.

The source also says that as alternatives for obtaining food, part of the population resorts to the Chemba and Sena regions in Sofala province and another, using canoes, navigates the Zambezi River to the Doa region in the Republic of Malawi.

"We depend on food from Tete, Chimoio and Báruè, but with this situation, the entry of goods is compromised, due to the lack of an alternative to the N 529. There are truckloads of grain that can't get into the district and the local warehouses no longer have them," he said.


(Photo DR)

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