Businessmen and politicians from the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) have just agreed on the creation of a development bank
May 10, 2021May 10, 2021Economy
Mozambique strengthens economic partnership with European Union
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) and the European Union (EU) "sat" at the same table Friday, in Beira City, Sofala, to update and discuss the operational plan for the implementation and strengthening of the Economic Partnership Agreement. The event took place in a hybrid form, under the theme "Exports and Investments in the era of covid-19",...
Protesting Peasants Invade Section of Vale Mine in Mozambique
Dozens of peasants in Moatize invaded one of the sections of the Vale coal mine in Tete
May 7, 2021May 7, 2021Economy
World Bank makes 20 million dollars available for small, medium and micro companies
The World Bank announced this Thursday a total of 20 million dollars destined to finance small, medium and micro enterprises
CEO of the World's Largest Brewer Is Leaving. Who's Next for AB InBev's Helm?
Carlos Brito is stepping down as Chief Executive Officer of AB InBev after 15 years at the head of the world's largest beer producer.