Boss Navara case: Judgment on poaching postponed

Caso Boss Navara: Adiada leitura da sentença sobre caça furtiva

The Maputo Province Judicial Court (TJCM) today postponed the sentencing of the poaching case involving the country's biggest poacher and his partner.

They are Ernesto Valói "Boss Navara" and Paulo Zucula Júnior, who are accused of criminal association, using prohibited weapons, money laundering, exposing people to danger, using false documents, financing terrorism, crimes involving the sale or purchase of illegal weapons, crimes involving the sale and purchase of illegal cars, poaching and the illicit sale of wildlife resources and prohibited species, murder, some of which they committed in neighboring South Africa.

The session had been scheduled for this Tuesday, in the 5th Chamber of that court. However, the actual reasons for the postponement are still unknown. However, according to Radio MozambiqueThis was due to insufficient space at the venue where the sentence was to be read. In fact, the session was to take place in makeshift facilities. (Image: DR)

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