"Venâncio Mondlane's presidential candidacy could embarrass Frelimo" - analysts

“Candidatura presidencial de Venâncio Mondlane pode embaraçar a Frelimo” – analistas

Mozambican political analysts believe that the presence of Venâncio Mondlane, a charismatic opposition figure, in the presidential race for October 9 in Mozambique creates an interesting possibility, which is to force a second round with the Frelimo candidate, Daniel Chapo, a scenario without any precedent in Mozambican democracy, which could harm the ruling Frelimo.

According to a VOAThe question of a hypothetical second round is being raised with some insistence, in the sense that the coalition supporting Venâncio Mondlane's candidacy could refuse 50% of votes to Daniel Chapo.

In this regard, political analyst Dias da Cunha believes that Venâncio Mondlane, unlike other candidates, has a broad support base of enthusiastic youth that he can mobilize to vote and observe the vote count to avoid possible irregularities.

Meanwhile, for Hilário Chacate, a political analyst, Venâncio Mondlane "is a new phenomenon who has managed to win the sympathy of many voters, especially the youth, so he will create embarrassment for the other candidates".

Sharing the same opinion, political analyst Ivan Maússe also says that "a second round is a scenario to consider, bearing in mind that in previous elections when there were only two very strong candidates it was easier for Frelimo to gather 50% votes plus one".

Ivan Maússe warns, however, that in a possible second round "the risk of Frelimo losing the elections is high, because in many democracies, in a scenario of this nature, the elections are won by parties that were least expected to have encouraging results".

Meanwhile, Damião José, a member of Frelimo's Political Commission, says that the party is attentive to these debates, which at some point aim to divert the party's attention from the work it is already doing to promote the image of its presidential candidate.


(Photo DR)

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