STAE cameras are not capturing images of the elderly, people with albinism and visual impairments

Câmaras do STAE não estão a captar imagens de pessoas idosas, com albinismo e deficiências visuais

The cameras of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) used in the current registration process to capture images of potential voters are having technical problems photographing the faces of elderly people, people with albinism and people with visual problems.

STAE justifies the failures by system configuration errors in the devices and says that work is underway to update the system.

Prince Uataia, STAE's Director of Organization and Operations, said on Tuesday that most of the cases occurred in the provinces of Niassa, Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Manica and Maputo City.

"This is a problem that is being verified, not because people don't end up taking photos, but because there is a waiting time that ends up being too long, especially for the elderly and people with albinism," he explained.

In another development, Utauia said that the Director General of STAE is in Zambzia province to find out about recent reports of night censuses, illegal replacements of brigade members and other irregularities.

"Instructions have been issued at the directorate-general level to prevent this type of practice from occurring," he said.

By April 29th, 1,800 voters had already been registered across the country, out of an expected 10 million.

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