Cabo Delgado: Venâncio Mondlane promises tax exemption for mining companies

Cabo Delgado: Venâncio Mondlane promete isenção de impostos a mineradoras

Independent candidate Venâncio Mondlane went to Cabo Delgado province to promote his election manifesto. To potential voters in the city of Pemba, the candidate supported by the Podemos party promised that he would end the tax exemption for companies that exploit mineral resources.

"These companies come to take gold, diamonds and wealth, but their headquarters are in Maputo. But from 2025, all the companies that exploit Cabo Delgado's wealth must set up their headquarters here... they must pay all the taxes. There will be no more tax exemptions for these companies," he said, promising to turn the province into a hub of prosperity on a par with territories like Dubai and Qatar.

The presidential candidate announced that he intends to renegotiate the contracts for the mega-projects so that the state can collect more taxes and build more public infrastructure, as well as paying better salaries to civil servants.

But the governance plan also includes strategies for companies to ensure that mineral resources are processed locally, creating a value chain for employing young people.

He also promised scholarships for the children of national liberation and democracy fighters, as well as school meals for elementary school children. "It doesn't matter if the child comes from a rich father or a poor father."

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