Cabo Delgado: Terrorists disrupt traffic on Nangade-Mueda road

Cabo Delgado: Terroristas interrompem trânsito na estrada Nangade-Mueda

The movement of people and goods was temporarily paralyzed last Wednesday afternoon (06) along the Nangade-Mueda road, in Cabo Delgado, following the movement of terrorists in villages along that highway.

The information was provided by Letter from MozambiqueHe said that residents of Nangade-sede have reported that terrorists have been circulating in some communities in that district for two weeks, after passing through the neighboring villages of Mumu and Mitope, in the district of Mocímboa da Praia.

"In the morning, some cars and even trucks carrying chestnuts [because we are still in the marketing season] managed to leave the village and others arrived from Mueda, but this afternoon, at around 3pm, there was no traffic. Some people noticed the presence of the insurgents in Litingina," said Teodósio Teodoro, a resident of the village of Nangade, quoted by the same publication.

However, at the beginning of the night, traffic along the road began to flow again after the intervention of the Defense and Security Forces.

In recent days, the movement of vehicles in the Nangade district has intensified, not only due to the population moving to Mueda to access banking services and informal commerce, but also due to the cashew nut marketing campaign, which attracts many economic agents of Asian origin.


(Photo DR)

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