Cabo Delgado: Ossufo Momade promises to solve problems of teachers, nurses and doctors

Cabo Delgado: Ossufo Momade promete resolver os problemas dos professores, dos enfermeiros e dos médicos

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, is continuing his vote-hunting tour, this time in Cabo Delgado province.

During his speech to the town of Namuno, in Cabo Delgado province, the presidential candidate criticized the current state of education and health in the country and promised improvements if elected.

"When we come to power, we will solve the problems of teachers, nurses and doctors," he promised.

He spoke about the exploitation of natural resources in Cabo Delgado province, citing as an example the extraction of natural gas, which is not bringing gains to local communities.

"There is gas in the Rovuma, but do you feel the benefit of it? We want to change that, you have the right to benefit from these resources. This country doesn't belong to a handful of people, it's ours, this country is ours."

During the rally in Namuno, the Renamo president also presented the head of the list running for governor of Cabo Delgado province.

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