Cabo Delgado: more than 6,000 tons of cashew nuts left illegally for Tanzania

More than 6,000 tons of cashew nuts illegally left the country for the United Republic of Tanzania via the Rovuma border.

The information was given to Zumbo FM Notícias by the Provincial Delegate of the Almond Institute of Mozambique in Cabo Delgado, Domingos Armando Guissemo.

"Around 6,600 tons of cashew nuts were illegally transported to Tanzania. The volume of cashew nut exports tends to reduce, because we've had much worse situations than this," said Guissemo, quoted by Zumbo FM.

The monitoring challenge, says the source, is great, given that the perimeter of the border is very vast and porous and we know very well that in this matter of smuggling, those involved have possible maneuvers to circumvent, but ready, it was possible to record this quantity of 6,600 tons of cashew nuts that passed to another border, in this case to the United Republic of Tanzania.

Domingos Guissemo also said that he is working with the entities involved in the cashew nut marketing chain to minimize the smuggling of this cash crop.

"As an institution, we are very concerned and we are working with the entities that are directly involved in this cashew nut marketing component, from the PRM, the Border Guard Police, the Tax Authority and customs itself, in order to design strategies to minimize this action of cashew nuts crossing to another shore due to administrative procedures," said the source.

It should be noted that Cabo Delgado province is the second largest producer of chestnuts in Mozambique. But the terrorism scenario experienced in the province could jeopardize this position, given that the negative impacts on the production, processing and export of this crop are already visible.

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