Cabo Delgado and Nampula incommunicado by land after Storm Jude

Cabo Delgado e Nampula incomunicáveis por via terrestre após tempestade Jude

The provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula, in the north of the country, are incommunicado after the passage of tropical storm Jude. Rainwater has cut off National Road number 1 (ENI) at the Anchilo administrative post, which is about 20 km from the city of Nampula.

The state of the road also affects access to some districts of Nampula, such as Meconta, Monapo, Mossuril, Ilha de Moçambique, Nacala-Porto, Nacala-à-Velha and Memba, depending on the district. News.

The rains destroyed around 20 meters of the EN1 in that part of the country, and the National Roads Administration delegate in Nampula said that they are already looking for compatible aqueducts to solve the case.

However, he anticipated that if the necessary materials are not available in Nampula, the solution will be to order their production, while looking for alternatives to minimize the situation. This includes the installation of a metal bridge. (Photo for illustrative purposes only)

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