Cabo Delgado: Fake SERNIC agent arrested in the city of Pemba

Cabo Delgado: Detido falso agente do SERNIC na cidade de Pemba

A citizen of Mozambican nationality was arrested last Wednesday, July 31, in the city of Pemba, when he posed as an agent of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) in order to scam people.

According to the SERNIC spokeswoman in Cabo Delgado, Noémia João, the fake agent, allegedly swindled a young man out of 9500 meticais, promising him a job.

"On July 31, 2024, the National Criminal Investigation Service, in Cabo Delgado province, became aware of a crime of fraud and illegal exercise of public office, where SERNIC arrested an individual accused of this crime, in which he victimized a person by swindling him out of 9500 meticais and, because the corporation had published the entry into our midst in the year 2022, the victim fell into this trap," said Noémia João.

Quoted by the local portal  Zumbo FM NewsThe spokeswoman for SERNIC in Cabo Delgado also said that, after her organization became aware of what had happened, it took steps that culminated in the arrest of the false agent.

Noémia João, on the other hand, said that all SERNIC agents are duly identified, which is why she warns the population to denounce those who claim to be SERNIC agents, as long as they don't identify themselves.

However, the alleged fake SERNIC agent said that he had to use an eloquent voice in order to give credibility to his victim.


(Photo DR)

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