Cabo Delgado: Journalist's disappearance remains unknown two years later

Clarification on the circumstances of the disappearance of Mozambican journalist Ibraimo Mbaruco remains static. The journalist went missing under strange circumstances at the peak of the terrorist attacks in northern Mozambique.

Ibrahimo Mbaruco was kidnapped around 7 pm on April 07, 2020, two years ago, in Palma district, Cabo Delgado province.

The journalist managed to tell colleagues by text message that he was "surrounded by soldiers," but since then, the authorities have heard nothing more.

Since his abduction, the authorities have not yet pronounced on his whereabouts, which seem to be getting lost in the dust of oblivion. The president of MISA-Mozambique questions the "inaction" of the authorities.

In an interview, Fernando Gonçalves, president of MISA-Mozambique, questions the lack of any official information about the journalist's whereabouts. Find out more...

Read the interview here

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