The book "Direito Eleitoral Político Moçambicano" (Mozambican Political Electoral Law), by Constitutional Council (CC) judge Manuel Franque, reveals that the decision by the National Electoral Commission (CNE) and the CC to eliminate the candidacy of the Democratic Alliance Coalition (CAD) violates the law.
Says the weekly Mozambique Channel that it is the understanding of the judges of the CC that the lack of knowledge of electoral law on the part of political parties has led to the "death" of complaints about some decisions.
However, in Franque's book, he implies that, in strict compliance with the principle of "progressive acquisition of electoral acts", CAD's candidacy would never be rejected. This principle establishes the impossibility of moving on to a subsequent stage without having completed the previous one.
The newspaper recalls that, since its formation, the CAD has always run in elections without any problems. Although it recently lost two coalition parties, it registered their withdrawal. According to the CNE, this happened after the 15-day deadline. However, the Ministry of Justice did not challenge this administrative issue and allowed the registration.
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