Local elections 2023: Frelimo got more votes than the population in Gurué

Autárquicas 2023: Frelimo obteve número de votos superior ao número da população em Gurué

Reports of electoral fraud during the sixth local elections in Mozambique are coming in from almost every municipality. Most of the illicit acts refer to the allocation of votes in favor of the Frelimo party.

Canal de Moçambique writes on its Facebook page that in Gurué, Zambezia, Frelimo even won more votes than the total population. But it was the least voted party.

In other parts of the country where there have been similar offenses, the respective courts have already made decisions. In some cases, new ballots will have to be taken and in others the votes will have to be recounted. In Gurué, the deadline for announcing the court's decision has already passed.

The source, who quotes a person familiar with the case, says that the judge recognizes the complexity of the case.

"The issue is simple. According to the court source, in the falsification of the notices that took place after the arrest of the opposition members, the STAE did not pay attention to the fact that it exceeded the number of the electoral population that exists in that municipality," reads the publication.

What's more, the judge is being pressured by Frelimo not to annul the elections, which would have been won by either Renamo or New Democracy. "The decision could be taken today by the court, which is still analyzing the gigantic fraud in Gurué."

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique are to blame for this situation because, according to polling station staff, "they stormed the assemblies and started shooting and everyone ran away".

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