Bakers Association warns of rising bread prices

The Mozambican Association of Bakers (Amopão) warned on Monday for the inevitability of the rise in the price of bread. At issue is the rising price of wheat flour. The members ask the government to ease the tax burden on imports and processing of this raw material.

"An increase in the price of bread is inevitable unless the government takes action on the cost of importing and processing wheat flour," said Amopão president Victor Miguel, quoted by the clubofmozambique portal.

Miguel reveals that the price of flour registered an increase this Monday. The 50-kilo bag now costs 2.250 meticais against the previous 1.950 meticais.

He said that the situation is complicated for the bakers. The president of Ampão claims that they pay more for flour and sell bread at a low price.

The last increase in the price of bread was in 2021, when the minimum price of regular bread was changed to six meticais and the maximum price to 12 meticais.

Recall that in the years 2008 and 2010 there were serious and vandalized in some parts of the country including the capital Maputo due to rising prices of essential products, bread in the first place.

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