The military census began today throughout the country

Arrancou hoje em todo o País o recenseamento militar

The military census began today (February 2) across the country, and will continue until February 28 at various stations in the country's neighborhoods..

The military census is aimed at citizens born in 2007 and those who have not registered in previous years, provided they are not over 35 years old. The goal is to register around 221,141 young people, of whom 147,114 are male and 74,027 female.

Young people must show up at the registration offices with their identity card or personal card and a certificate of educational qualifications.

According to the National Director of Human Resources, Colonel Jorge Delfim Leonel, who was speaking at a press conference this Thursday at the Ministry of National Defense, 1,670 census posts have been set up in all the provinces (district administrations, local councils, administrative posts and educational establishments), distributed among 1,499 fixed and 171 mobile brigades.


(Photo DR)

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