Area 4: Government and ENI to strengthen security in Cabo Delgado

Área 4: Governo e ENI vão reforçar segurança em Cabo Delgado

The Mozambican government and Italian oil company ENI, which is exploring Area 4 of the Rovuma basin in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, intend to strengthen security cooperation to prevent terrorist attacks in the region.

The intention was discussed by the Mozambican Defense Minister, Cristóvão Chume, and the director-general of ENI-Mozambique, Marica Calabrese, at a working meeting held last Wednesday (18) in Maputo.

A publication by AIM says that during the meeting, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to intensify military training to ensure the effective protection of the Coral South and Coral North project areas, in Area 4 of the Rovuma basin.

For his part, Calabrese said that there is a positive impact of ENI's social responsibility actions in the region, through its support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

ENI also holds a 25% stake in ExxonMobil's gas exploration project in Cabo Delgado, which is awaiting a Final Investment Decision (FID).


(Photo DR)

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