School year officially starts on January 31

The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) has revealed that the 2022 school year will officially start on January 31, according to a new schedule.

The calendar states that the first school quarter will run until May 6, the second from May 16 to August 8, while the third and final quarter will run from August 29 to November 18.

To this end, elementary school exams will take place from November 14 to 22, and high school exams from November 28 to December 9.

The 2022 school year will feature some innovations in the curriculum. Thus, the sixth grade will close primary education, being the moment to check the skills acquired and give better instruction to the students, within the framework of the curriculum reform in force in the country.

According to the director general of the National Institute for the Development of Education (INDE), Ismael Nhêze, quoted by "Notícias", with the new Law of the National Education System, approved in 2018, primary education now has two learning cycles. The first goes from 1st to 3rd grade and the second from 4th to 6th grade.

"From the year 2022, grade 6 closes primary education. In 2023, grade 7 becomes secondary education," he indicated.

In Grade 6, final year exams will be held to check the students' reading, writing and calculation skills for their transition from primary to secondary school.

On the other hand, the 8th and 11th grade registrations are open from Monday until January 21st.

Meanwhile, this school year is about to begin, without achieving the goal of enrolling 1,312,000 children in the first grade. The process ended on December 31 and the most up-to-date data indicate that only 843,000 children were enrolled, which corresponds to 64.3 percent of what was planned.

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