One citizen lost his life and eight others were injured as a result of indiscriminate shooting by the Mozambique Republic Police (PRM) in the Angoche district of Nampula province, a source told MZNews.
The victims are citizens sympathetic to the Renamo party who were taking part in an allegorical demonstration with a coffin "made of Frelimo's capulana", says the Electoral Bulletin of the Center for Public Integrity. The document offers other descriptions of the victims, without mentioning any cases of death.
The demonstrating caravan followed Angoche's main avenue and close to the District Government offices. The PRM reportedly dispersed the crowd and seized the funeral float and sent it to the District Command.
"The demonstrators went to the command to ask for the coffin to be returned. It is not known what happened, but there was a riot which resulted in four people being confirmed shot," the bulletin states.
The MZNews source who went to confirm the occurrences points to a lack of preparation on the part of police officers to contain popular unrest.
The Newspaper Ikweli tells of experiencing a war scenario, with the population in an uproar. Tear gas was thrown.
"People are going to die. There are children coming home from school. They managed to hit me with tear gas, I was just coming back from work, I didn't provoke anyone," sources told the newspaper.
The PRM spokesman in Nampula, Zacarias Nacute, said that only four people were hit. The press delegation was not allowed to ask questions. They just took the police's version. "Five citizens were arrested for not obeying the basic rules for holding a demonstration."
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