ANC postpones announcement of the composition of the new coalition government

ANC adia divulgação da composição do novo governo de coligação

The African National Congress (ANC) has postponed the announcement of the new coalition government that will support Cyril Ramaphosa in his second term. The new composition should be announced in the next few days.

On Saturday, South Africa concluded the accession of new opposition parties to form a coalition government. The coalition is made up of ten parties and the last to join was Al Jama-ah. Jacob Zuma's uMkhonto weSizwe and Julius Malema's EFF are outside the coalition.

The ANC issued a announcementon Saturday, welcoming the political parties that have agreed to form a Government of National Unity (GNU) for the 7th democratic administration.

"The outcome of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections made it clear that, 30 years after the dawn of democracy, South Africans want political parties to work together to solve the important challenges facing the country and improve the lives of our people," it reads.

This Sunday will have seen a final effort to bring the extreme positions of the ANC and the Democratic Alliance closer together over the distribution of posts.

The South African press reports that the Democratic Alliance is demanding that ten of its MPs be appointed to strategic portfolios in the economic sector and that leader John Steenhuisen be appointed to the deputy presidency of the Government of National Unity.

The second most voted party in South Africa wants to run the Ministries of Communication and Digital Technology; Trade and Industry; Public Service and Administration; Local Government; Water and Sanitation and Health. (Sources: BBC, Rádio Moçambique, ANC. Photo: BBC)

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